City University London

Triple accredited Cass Business School

  • Facts about City

    • City currently has over 18,000 students (46% at postgraduate level) from more than 160 countries and staff from over 75 countries.
    • City has been educating students in London since 1894 –read about our history.

    Our location in the heart of London

    Our commitment to academic excellence

    • At City, 40% of all academics are producing researchthat is world-leading or internationally excellent (2014 Research Excellence Framework ).
    • City is in the top 15 in the UK for graduate prospects (The Times and Sunday Times University League Table 2017).
    • We are 27thin the UK in the (Times Higher Education) ‘Table of Tables’ alongside leading Russell Group universities
    • We are the first UK universityStudent Centre to receive the Service Mark Quality Standard from the Institute of Customer Service.

    Our focus on business and the professions

    • TheFinancial Times European Business School Rankings 2017 ranked the Sir John Cass Business School 4th in the UK and 15th in Europe
    • Our full-time MBA ranks 1st in London, 6th in the UK, and 46th globally (Financial Times Global MBA Ranking 2018)
    • 6thin the UK for business and management research (The Research Excellence Framework 2014).
    • City is ranked 5thin the UK for Communication and Media Studies (QS World Subject Rankings 2016).
    • Our Nursing courses are ranked 2ndin London (The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018).
    • Electrical and Electronic Engineering courses at City are ranked 2ndin London and 11th in the UK (Guardian University Guide 2017).

    Our five Schools

    City has five Schools – Cass Business School, School of Arts & Social Sciences, School of Health Sciences, School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering and The City Law School. Our Graduate School,interdisciplinary centres and the Department for Learning Enhancement & Development (LEaD) complete the academic structure of City.


Source :

* INTO Partner University

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